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Ayuntamiento de Pamplona :: Iruñeko Udala

Home > Pamplona Riverside Park > River Arga > Land, bank and riverbed use

Land, bank and riverbed use

River Arga

The interventions carried out have led to evident modifications in terms of land use in areas bordering the city’s rivers.

The Arga maintains three large areas given over to agriculture: Magdalena, Berichitos and Aranzadi.

The large, green areas created around the river all have practically the same structure: a variable bank (3 to 20 metres wide) with natural vegetation, a path and/or track on both sides and parks, all designed for potential flooding, but of a more urban or rural nature depending on location.

The banks are occupied by sports clubs, resources or industrial estates in those areas in which these large, green spaces do not exist.

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